Hypericum perforatum Overview Page

Permission granted to use by USDA with photo taken by Peggy

Common Name

St. John's Wort

Taxonomic Classification

Hypericaceae family

Drug Uses

Hypericum perforatum had been known to have many medicinal effects. Three compounds: hypericin, hyperforin, and quercetin are currently being used in clinical tests and able to show a variety of effects. Some of these effects are: antiretroviral, anticancer, anti-depressive, anti-autoimmune, anticancer. These three chemicals are characterized in three separate class of chemical, hypericin is a dianthrone, hyperforin is an acyl-phloroglucinol, and quercetin is a flavonoid.

Enzyme Information

Enzyme NameEC NoGenbank AccessionGI No
Phenolic oxidative coupling proteinN/AAAN65449.125136299
Octaketide synthaseN/AACF37207.1194272335
Polyketide synthaseN/AABP98923.1145926649
Polyketide synthaseN/AABP98922.1145926640

Entries in Genbank

dbEST/(Kb) dbGSS/(Kb) dbPLN/(Kb) dbHTG/(Kb) Total Entriesa/(Kb)

aThe Total Entries column is the sum of the entries from the dbEST, dbGSS, dbPLN, and dbHTG columns. Data retrieved from NCBI on May 14 2010.

Transcript Assemblies


    Cloned Genes

    • HpPKS2

    Pubmed Records

    See all Hypericum perforatum papers within last Week, Month or Year.
