Digitalis purpurea Overview Page

Permission granted to use by Philip

Common Name

Common Foxglove

Taxonomic Classification

Plantaginaceae family

Drug Uses

Digitalis purpurea had been used for many years as a folk medicine, but was reported to contain a cardio-active compound in 1785. Two of the active components, digitoxin and digoxin, inhibit sodium-potassium ATPase. Digoxin (Lanoxin, Digitek, and Lanoxicaps) is used to treat cardiac arrhythmias, atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter. Digitoxin and digoxin are glycosylated triterpenes, often referred to as cardiac glycosides. Digoxigenin, a steroid, is used as a probe to detect DNA and can be readily covalently attached to nucleotides.

Chemical Structure: DigitoxinClinical TrialsMajor Metabolites

Enzyme Information

Enzyme NameEC NoGenbank AccessionGI No
3-beta hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase1.1.1.51AAV68716.155978465
Progesterone 5 beta-reductaseN/AACZ66261.1270269274

Entries in Genbank

dbEST/(Kb) dbGSS/(Kb) dbPLN/(Kb) dbHTG/(Kb) Total Entriesa/(Kb)

aThe Total Entries column is the sum of the entries from the dbEST, dbGSS, dbPLN, and dbHTG columns. Data retrieved from NCBI on May 14 2010.

Transcript Assemblies


    Cloned Genes

    • Delta (5)-3beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
    • Progesterone 5 beta-reductase

    Pubmed Records

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